Why is our NHT Violet Glass So Special?

Why is our NHT Violet Glass So Special?

Sep 9th 2022

When you’re outside on a clear day, you'll see the sun. The golden glowing sun, the bringer of light, warmth and all life on Earth. All the plants, all the animals and of course, all of us. The sun gives life, but also radiates harmful rays that can dry out, damage, degrade and decay. That's why Natural Healing Tools carries energizing Violet Glass for maintaining its contents vitality.

How does our NHT Violet Glass work?

There’s only one kind of glass in the world that filters the sun’s rays perfectly. Allowing the beneficial rays in, while keeping the harmful rays out. NHT violet glass jars protect, prolong and enhance natural products.

To really understand how this “miracle” is possible, let’s look a little deeper into the science of the 5 types of glass. Basically, the sun’s rays include visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation. Clear, amber and green glass allow all the rays through, including the rays that will damage your product. While at the other end of the spectrum, black, or very dark glass, allows none of the rays to pass through, including those that are actually good for your product.

Our NHT Violet Glass is engineered by Miron Glass to be the perfect color to allow the best, energizing rays in while bouncing back the harmful, life sucking rays out.

See the full selection of NHT Violet Glass here. 

Historical Past of Violet Glass

The appreciation of the special protective powers of violet glass can be traced back to Ancient Egypt. Valuable essences (oils) and natural healing products were kept in violet glass vessels. It’s even reputed that the legendary Queen of the Nile, Cleopatra, rubbed aloe vera on her skin every day, kept in violet glass jars.

In Eastern tradition, the color violet represents the harmony of the universe. The combination of blue and red is Yin and Yang. Yin: the stored energy that preserves matter. Yang: solar energy, that is outgoing and free. Spiritual, scientific or aesthetic, NHT’s violet glass jars and bottles are the perfect choice to store natural products.

The Science of Biophotons and Biophotonic Glass

You’ve probably never heard of biophotons. They are invisible light particles generated by almost all living cells. Which means that you are in fact absorbing and emitting millions of biophotons at this very moment.

What Are These Biophotons Doing?
That’s an excellent question, one that over 40 scientific groups worldwide are working on. Some of the results so far are possibly ground-breaking. There is growing evidence proving that absorbing biophotons increases vitality, prevents disease and even slows down the ageing process. In other words, the more biophotons you absorb, the better it is for your health and well-being.

Biophotonic Glass
Our biophotonic glass protects the biophotonic activity of natural products. Preventing the loss of biophotons, withholding their natural goodness, and making preservatives unnecessary. This is no small thing, since many products with preservatives have no bioenergetic value whatsoever. And therefore, are of no value to you or your body at all.

Sustainable Packaging for a Sustainable Planet

Our planet has finite resources. One time use of plastic, glass and other materials are a strain on everything in our supply chain from the raw materials to overflowing land fills. The goal with NHT Violet Glass is to have containers in every home that are sustaining the food quality for a longer time, easily reusable and at the end of their life (ie. broken) can be recycled.

NHT customers buy multiples. For example, 7 water bottles for daily juice made at one time. Multiple apothecary jars to hold specialty flours, seeds and other perishables. And a variety of sizes of wide mouth jars to hold cosmetics, oils and other light sensitive products.

Here's a Bit Of Proof

Before you try for yourself, consider our Chive and Tomato Tests.

Simple. We stored chives for three months in three different glass containers. Violet, amber and clear. The chives in the clear and brown glass were dry and grey quickly. The chives in the LifeXplore Violet glass kept their smell, taste and rich green color.

We did a similar test with small tomatoes.