What about Geopathic Stress?

What about Geopathic Stress?

Mar 19th 2024

Geopathic stress, which refers to natural or human-made disturbances in the Earth’s energy field that may negatively impact living organisms. These disruptions, like underground water veins, fault lines, and electromagnetic radiation, can affect health and well-being.

Geopathic stress concerns energetic fields from the earth becoming distorted by underground streams and other geological features creating zones of disturbed, unhealthy energy.

Unfortunately as of this moment there are no instruments to directly measure it so to the general scientific community it, therefore, does not exist. Most governments do not accept it as a condition and few doctors will factor in the possibility that their patient’s house might be subject to geopathic stress in their diagnosis or treatment plan.

The one instrument that is very good at detecting geopathic stress is the human body. Dowsers use divining tools to magnify small responses in their body so that they can map out a home or any space.

To give some historical perspective, Chinese Emperor Yu in about 2,200 BC proclaimed a law that said that no house might be built before a dowser had examined the place/location.

If it is down to us to identify, then we are in the world of the subjective and pretty much off the official main-stream reservation. With this disclaimer behind us, and if you are ready to move into the realms of the informed opinion of qualified people, then please read on.

How do we know whether we have Geopathic Stress Problems?

There are some warning signs, generally accepted amongst researchers which could point to you having a problem with geopathic stress:

  1. Somebody has got sick shortly after moving into a new house.
  2. The previous owners/tenants were sick.
  3. Illnesses don’t respond to treatment.
  4. Neighbors in poor health could indicate the area has geopathic stress .
  5. Leaving the house makes you / others feel better – maybe even gets better on an extended holiday.
  6. The house has never “felt right”.
  7. People in the house wake up feeling unrefreshed or worse after a night’s sleep.
  8. Is there a lot of mold in the house or lichen/moss on the walls – geopathic stress is said to promote their growth.
  9. Noticeable animal behavior: ants, wasps, bees and cats (believe it or not) are attracted to geopathic stress. Dogs, horses, cows, and most other animals avoid it.
  10. Trees with knobby growths on the trunk.
  11. Gaps in hedges can indicate a line of geopathic stress.
  12. Springs or wells nearby can be an indicator of increased probability of geopathic stress being present.

Are there products that can help mitigate Geopathic Stress?

Georesonators clear home, yards, parks, farms and neighborhoods from dangerous geopathic stress.

Clear dangerous electromagnetic fields - especially that comes from the ground - where you live, work and play. 

When placed in the ground, GeoResonators neutralize EMF radiation pollution, restore balance to areas of geopathic stress, and support healthy biological processes in and above the land. 

Each 2 x 2" patch is encoded with the polarizing patterns of very senior subtle energies that specifically address imbalanced energies in the earth, surrounding space and provide superior EMF protection.

Range: can be planted 2 acres or up to a half mile apart
Size: Each 2"x 2", 4 GeoResonators per Package

Where can you do your own research on Geopathic Stress Problems?

Geopathic stress is a very involved subject and people have created whole websites on this subject alone. We recommend you research further if you have any concerns that geopathic stress is affecting you and your family.

Two very interesting scientists to research - 

  • In 1985, Dr. Veronika Carstens, wife of the former German President Karl Carstens, published a study documenting the spontaneous healing of 700 terminal cancer patients after they relocated their beds to an area free from geopathic stress. 
  • Gustav Von Pohl, a German scientist and dowser, proved to the Central Committee of Cancer Research in Berlin, concluded from his research in 1928-1929 that people were unlikely to get cancer without spending some time in geopathically stressed places ( primarily while sleeping). 
  • There is also this Youtube video on Geopathic Stress: