Meaning of Stones: Bumble Bee Jasper

Meaning of Stones: Bumble Bee Jasper

May 8th 2021

Metaphysical Properties:

Bumble Bee Jasper is actually a combination of volcanic matter, hematite, and sulfur. 

The yellow is from the presence of sulfur, making Bumble Bee Jasper toxic if not handled properly. With everything else with COVID anyway, just wash your hands after handling your bumble bee jasper stones.

Bumblebee ‘Jasper’ resonates strongly with the second (sacral) and third (solar plexus) chakras. It is highly energizing to both of these areas, bringing inspiration and intensity to the realm of one’s creative manifestation.
These stones are powerful aids for melding passion and purpose together for the unfolding of one’s destiny. They can free blocked energies in the second and third chakras, allowing one to fully manifest the things one feels a deep inner calling to do. In this, they are uniquely valuable helpers.

All of us have the experience of receiving an inspired idea that makes us want to give ourselves to a new project or artistic creation, and we all know how interferences large and small can slow and even stop us from achieving our dreams. The stone ally known as Bumblebee ‘Jasper’ can increase one’s power to persist and overcome obstacles. This is particularly true when one is attempting things that are deeply meaningful to us.

Bumblebee ‘Jasper’ is a stone of adventure. It stimulates one’s mental acuity, so one is more able to notice the ‘cubic centimeter of chance’— the moment when golden opportunities arise, and can be seized, if done quickly. These stones can increase the level of activation of the complex of neurons in the gut, making it possible to more readily be aware of one’s ‘gut feelings,’ or instincts. Our instincts must become conscious in us if we are to benefit from this aspect of our intelligence. Bumblebee ‘Jasper’ helps this process through its intensification of the energies in these areas. Should one choose one or more creative adventures in life, Bumblebee ‘Jasper’ can be an ideal stone companion. It stimulates courage, assertiveness, endurance and concentration. If worn, it can increase mental clarity and sharpness. Its effect on consciousness is to motivate achievement in unusual areas specifically suited to one’s inner spiritual makeup. In spiritual self-healing, Bumblebee ‘Jasper’ can help energetically cleanse and clear the intestinal tract, liver and kidneys. In emotional self-healing, it is an antidote to fear, indecisiveness and hesitation. In spiritual evolution, it sets one upon the path of one’s highest destiny.

SPIRITUAL Bumblebee ‘Jasper’ invigorates one’s will and creative capacities. It works spiritually to teach one the possibilities of manifesting one’s dreams and inspirations.

EMOTIONAL Bumblebee ‘Jasper’ helps one go beyond fear and hesitation, enhancing one’s confidence and sense of adventure. 

To purchase a heart Bumble Bee Jasper stone, link here.