Discovering Better Sleep with a Cleaner EMF Environment and a Surprise Sleep Aid

Discovering Better Sleep with a Cleaner EMF Environment and a Surprise Sleep Aid

Mar 17th 2022

In peace time it's tough to get a good night's sleep but during inflation, war and crime the stress can add a layer of stress to make restful sleep even more difficult. With 5G, larger smart phones and more internet creates even more EMF. And, EMF is known to prevent the production of the hormone Melatonin, which is essential for sleep.

There are of course other overlaying reasons that stop us from sleeping, like our lifestyle. Having a big meal just before going to bed, a stuffy bedroom, and caffeine. Shift work disrupts our sleep patterns and a very late night can have a knock-on effect of bad sleep for days. 

What can I do for sleep?

Institute a bedtime routine that includes cut off times. Add a cut off time for food, sweets and caffeine. Turn the news off after a certain time in the evening. Do a quite meditation or stretching routine. 

Choose a specific time to be in bed every night. Make your sleeping area as comfortable as possible in temperature, bedding and pillows. Use music or soothing sound apps to help you focus to sleep. 

How to eliminate EMF and add additional EMF protection?

Unplug! Everything electronic should be banded from the bedroom. If you need the time, get a manual clock. No TV, cell phones, computers or other electronics should be in the bedroom. Not only are we tempted to look at our electronics before going to bed but the light and energy impacts our sleep. 

Make sure you check the wall on the other side of the bed. What is there? A Smart Meter? A computer? Move the electronics or move the bed! 

To help your sleep, add EMF protection items. For whole home protection, get the EMF Adapter

How do plants in a bedroom help you sleep?

Soil contains microbes dubbed “outdoorphins” (M. vaccae) similar to the endorphins that make you feel good and reduce the pain in strenuous exercise. Mycobacterium vaccae has been found to mirror the effect on neurons provided by drugs like Prozac. A natural antidepressant that makes people relaxed and happier.

This bacterium found in soil boosts mood releasing cytokines, which then leads the brain to produce more serotonin.

How do plants in a bedroom create a healthy environment?

Certain plants also filter harmful formaldehyde, benzene, and allergens from the air, improving air quality in our homes.

Plants also add oxygen to the room and absorb carbon dioxide.

Which plants are best to help with anxiety and sleep?

Lavender: with its divine smell has been long used to induce sleep, calm the mind, and relieve anxiety and stress.

Snake plant: is a popular easy to care for indoor plant. It is even recognized by NASA for purifying the air and absorbing toxins like formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene as well as producing oxygen.

This resilient plant can be placed anywhere and even if neglected for a few weeks, will still provide you with clean air. Simply water it every couple of weeks to keep the soil moist. It’s pretty hard to kill, which makes it an easy plant to care for regardless of experience.

Peace lily: is one of the best plants for producing oxygen. One of the easiest non demanding plants it requires indirect sunlight and water once a week or when the soil is dry to the touch.

Aloe vera: To take full advantage of aloe vera’s benefits it is best placed in the kitchen or bathroom, which is where most household chemicals are. But it is also great for bedrooms. But be aware that aloe vera can grow to be a very large plant, which will eventually need repotting.

Aloe vera is very tolerant and can handle a little neglect!

Eucalyptus: whose scent is powerfully healing can be grown indoors. This plant needs full sunlight and watering regularly.

Chamomile: This is a calming plant and is famously drunk as a tea for its many health benefits. It is very easy to grow indoors, and its sunshine yellow centres will brighten your days while at night it will help you sleep and heal.

Money Plants: Money plants, so called because in Feng shui the are said to attack prosperity, are good for filtering the air and lifting your mood.

They are very easy to grow and can cope with some neglect from lack of watering. So they are great for novice gardeners and those with busy lives that forget to take care of them.

For those into Feng Shui, money plants should be placed in the corner of a room.

Making an energetically healing Space.

Using plants to uplift you shouldn’t be confined to the bedroom. An energetically healing space can be created in any room by grouping some plants and a pyramid. The plants will boost your mood with their natural antidepressant in the soil while its air filtering and oxygen production with the leaves will promote your overall wellbeing.

The P.e.bal will create an energetic bubble that not only protects from EMF but any unbalanced energy, including energy protection from other people. Creating a space that is not only safe, relaxing, and healing but beautiful as well.

By using plants of different heights and textures you can create a lovely arrangement. A snake plant with an orchid and peperomia in a warm bright room, or a fern, peace lily with a ZZ plant in rooms with little sun. Include trailing plants especially if your energy healing display is on a shelf as this will soften it and make it flow.

A Feng Shui space can be created with Zen Stones with your plants. One will be enough, but is you want a really Zen retreat then stack them up. You can of course use any plants with them but remember to make a group that likes the same conditions.

Have fun with your plant and energy balancing arrangement and let your creativity soar.