Are You Calcium Deficient?

Are You Calcium Deficient?

Apr 21st 2022

Do you know if you are calcium deficient? Try taking this simple, at home test. 

Once you have learned more and consulted with your personal health care professions, there are a few supplements to consider? 

  • Omega 3 and Omega 6
    • Cod Liver Oil - Sonne Cod Liver Oil is desalinated. Meaning, it is not cooked to the point where the good Omegas and vitamins are cooked out. 
    • YES EFA - made from flax seeds. This is a great option for vegetarians. 
  • Calcium Supplement
    • Calphonite - Liquid calcium phosphorous which is very easy to absorb. Vegetarian. 

As usual, having a balanced diet is best. Here is a chart of foods that are best calcium sources.