Do Vegetable Oils Scare You?

Do Vegetable Oils Scare You?

Feb 29th 2024

Not that vegetable oils are terrible in moderation for cooking, they are just not good for a healthy diet. Grocery store vegetable oils actually lower your cells' oxygen content. The lower your cell oxygen gets, the more likely you are to experience low energy, low metabolism, heart disease, cancer and other unhealthy health challenges. 

By adding positive, omega rich Parent Essential Oils, you can change your health. 

Parent Essential Oils give you better cellular oxygen to create the oxygen necessary to feed the energy creating fire in your cells. 

How do you get the necessary oils? 

  • A daily diet rich in raw seeds, nuts and cold water fish give your body Omegas. 
  • Consume foods that are not over processed/adulterated. 
  • Supplements with a pure flaxseed oil like YES PEO's

Because most people don’t know this, millions of people have suffered and are currently suffering, needlessly, the consequences of inadequate cellular oxygen.

  • Adulterated Vegetable Oils are among the most insidious and most health damaging foods (when eaten for a long time) that a person can eat... because their adulterated fatty acids incorporate themselves into cell membranes and slowly, and imperceptibly reduce the flow of oxygen through those cell membranes. So avoid foods that contain cooked or processed vegetable oils.
  • Fish/Krill/DHA-EPA Omega Oil supplements do not provide the oxygen enhancing benefits of Parent Essential Oils and, at the same time, they increase free radical damage in one’s cells, aging one’s tissues more rapidly than would otherwise occur. 
  • Unadulterated Linoleic and Alpha Linoleic Oils From Vegetable Oils are among the most health promoting and beneficial foods (over the long haul) that a person can eat. Unfortunately, most people do not press their own seed oils at home, and so they get damaged vegetable oils from grocery stores that harm them. That's why we recommend people ensure the integrity of the EFAs they are eating, either by eating ample amounts of raw seeds, nuts and grasses or by supplementing with a PEOs® supplement that is proven to be integral and unadulterated.

If you are looking for more product information or to purchase, link here.