Daily Cleansing: Sonne #9 Intestinal Cleanser + #7 Detoxificant

Daily Cleansing: Sonne #9 Intestinal Cleanser + #7 Detoxificant

May 20th 2024

Sonne Detoxification Daily: Intestinal Cleanser #9 + Detoxificant #7

Sonne's #9 Intestinal Cleanser, 10 oz taken with #7 Detoxificant, 32 oz are ideal companion products for daily detox. Use together for maximum detoxification of the alimentary canal and to promote daily digestive health.

When you practice daily detox, remember to drink plenty of water. While getting your body used to daily detox, your body will need more liquids to stay moving. You can also exercise to help dislodge the psyllium and get it moving. 

Direction Options:
Option 1: Follow the directions on each, individual product label.

Optional 2: Put one tablespoon of Sonne's #7 Detoxificant in jar, small blender or shaker with at least 8 oz. of juice or water. Add one heaping teaspoon of Sonne's #9 Intestinal Cleanser. Shake vigorously or blend to make sure solution is properly mixed.

What is Bentonite?

Bentonite is a natural clay mineral formed in the extreme heat and pressure of a volcano. In ages past, it was blown into the sky by volcanic action, and sifted down to earth to help impregnate the soil with its 25 - 35 trace minerals. Sometimes it accumulates in layers or veins from which it is presently mined. Although bentonite contains a rich amount of minerals, there is no evidence that we can absorb any of its mineral content. Anyone who tries to sell the product on the basis of the minerals in it is only guessing.

Many products on the market use bentonite in a raw and unprocessed form. However, Sonne bentonite is different. In making Sonne Detoxificant we start with the highest quality bentonite (U.S.P. Grade), and mix it with purified demineralized water. During our exclusive and secret process, the mica and impurities are removed, and the purified montmorillonite is put into a liquid colloidal-gel state. The product is sterilized and subjected to independent laboratory analysis for heavy metals and microbiology, ensuring a substance suitable for internal use and detoxification. It works better simply because it is better.

Bentonite should never be packaged in plastic. Because of its extreme drawing properties, bentonite can leach petrochemicals from plastic bottles. That is why Sonne only packages Detoxificant #7 in inert glass bottles.

How does your Intestinal Cleanser (psyllium) product differ from others?

Our Psyllium product is a special grade and size (mesh) of psyllium. We have tried over 30 different types of psyllium suppliers, but this psyllium works the best and has achieved the best results. It tends to swell to a larger volume, and also gel much quicker than most other varieties - hence, it works better.

The seed and husk is what gives psyllium the slippery, mucilagenous, and swelling properties. The husk is what gives the psyllium the cleansing properties, because it is slightly abrasive, so it acts as a cleanser on the intestines.