Crystal Meditation and Mindfulness

Crystal Meditation and Mindfulness

Dec 19th 2023

Using Crystals for Healing and Spiritual Practices 

Using crystals for meditation and mindfulness is a practice that has been around for centuries. Each crystal has its own vibrational energy, and you can use the energetic frequency of the stone to help still the mind, soften the edges, and bring you into a state of deeper peace and tranquility. 

Some stones are also able to facilitate connections with higher spiritual realms which brings an extra layer to your meditation practice and expands consciousness. 

Crystal Grids and Layouts 

Crystal grids can be powerful tools when it comes to manifestation and energy channeling. It works by creating a space where the combined power of different crystals can come together and amplify each other - sending strong vibrations out into the universe and helping to attract the right energy for getting what you need. 

When creating a crystal grid, it's important to choose crystals that complement each other and those that align with your purpose. Examples of crystals for manifesting love could be Rose Quartz or Amethyst at the center of the grid. Make sure you have a clear intention set, and choose a grid shape that aligns with your sense of purpose. - circles, squares, flowers, etc. Visualize a clear line of energy connecting all the crystals, and take a few moments to meditate on your intention. 

Crystal Elixirs and Essences 

Crystal elixirs are a formula when crystals are placed into the water so that they can infuse the water with their vibrational energy. When you drink the water, that vibrational energy transfers to you, and you get those healing properties from the inside out. When making crystal elixirs, you want to ensure that you research which crystals are safe to use, as not all stones are water-soluble and some may have harmful elements within them, making them unsafe for consumption. 

Generally, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Clear Quartz, and Amethyst are considered safe. 

Caring for and Cleansing Crystals 

Keeping your crystals cleansed and charged helps them to work at the top of their energetic level. As crystals collect, store, and redistribute energy, it means that they need to be discharged on a regular basis to dump any negative energy they have collected. This will keep them humming with high vibrations and won't have a negative impact on their healing properties.

You can cleanse crystals by smudging them with sage or another healing herb, holding them under a natural source of running water, or leaving them under the moonlight for a few hours. 

Charging and Activating Crystals 

Charging and activating your crystals can prevent them from becoming depleted and ensures their energy is working strong and their healing powers are unimpeded. Activating and charging crystals is easy and can be done either by leaving them in moonlight, burying them in soil for a few hours, or placing them in nature. You can also use Selenite or Clear Quartz to charge up other crystals as they have big amplifying energy. 

Storing and Displaying Crystals 

Caring for your crystals means storing them correctly. You want to make sure that you limit the crystal's exposure to excessive heat, cold, moisture, dust, and debris. Each crystal will have different care instructions, but it's good to be mindful of knowing which are sensitive and may fade in direct sunlight and which won't react well with water. Delicate crystals may benefit from being wrapped in fabric before being placed in containers to avoid scratches on the surface. Wooden boxes, glass cases, and fabric pouches all work well for crystals. 

Exploring the Magic of Crystals: Personal Journey and Discovery 

Working with crystals leans heavily on the idea of intuition. There is no right or wrong way to experience crystals, and its important that individuals learn to lean in and trust their own thoughts, feelings, and energetic connections when it comes to these stones. It's always encouraged to start with crystals that call to you and then hold the stone and sit quietly with it for a while so that you can create an organic energetic connection. If you are unsure where to start with choosing crystals and feel overwhelmed, you can also look to birthstones, zodiac stones, chakra stones, and more to find a starting fit. 

Experimenting and Discovering Crystal Energies 

Working with crystals can be a dreamy discovery, and curiosity is needed. As mentioned, following your intuition is incredibly important when it comes to playing with crystal energies, and your inner voice will lead you where you need to be as long as you learn how to listen. You can also record your experiences with different crystals by keeping a crystal journal with notes on names, shapes, colors, and any feelings or sensations you experience while holding them. This helps you to work out which crystals are a match for your energy. 

Observing patterns, expressing gratitude, meditating, using them for chakra cleansing, and talking to others who share a passion for crystal energies can all help cement your knowledge and support your experiences. 

Seeking Guidance from Experts and Resources 

There are many crystal experts and amazing resources out there that can help you understand and appreciate crystals even more. From in-depth online crystal guides to The Crystal Bible book series by Judy Hall, you can get stacked on crystal knowledge with a range of websites, books, blog posts, and more. 


While the science behind crystal structures can be linked to something as simple as an arrangement of atoms, time, heat, and pressure - the narrative actually runs much deeper. The process of crystal formation is a rich world where metaphysics and mystery collide, and beyond the aesthetic art of earth-making crystals, these curious stones can bring so much more into our lives. From healing powers to aligning the chakras, helping with meditation, and more - these naturally -occurring crystals can be life-changing.